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SEO Tools McDar Keyword Analysis Tool Web Design, SEO & Tools Keyword Popularity Tool SE Promotion & SEO Tools Domain Age Tool SEO Tools Link Quality Assessment SEO Services Multi DC PageRank Checker SEO Tools Search Engine Ranking Report SEO Forum, Blog & Tools Link Popularity Checker SEM, SEO Tools & Monthly Report Dogpile Search Comparison Web Search Online XML Sitemaps Generator XML Sitemaps Backlink Check Tool Internet Marketing Services Check Rankings Online Keyword Ranking Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer Search Engine Optimization Tools
New SEO Tools
Google vs Yahoo GraphGoogle vs Yahoo Graph by Keyword Density AnalyzerKeyword Density Analyzer by
Multi DC PageRank CheckerMulti DC PageRank Checker by seobench.
Retrieve SERPsRetrieve SERPs by Google dataceter SERP checker
Alexa Tools (4)
Alexa Page RankingAlexa Page Ranking by Alexaranking.
Alexa Rank ToolAlexa Rank Tool by SearchBlissgives you the Alexa Web Rank
Alexa RankingAlexa Ranking by Evrsoftallows you to cut and paste a number of domians and get the 3 month Alexa Ranking
Alexa Related Rank CheckAlexa Related Rank Check by 123 Promotiongives
Backlink Tools (1)
Backlink Check ToolBacklink Check Tool by
Code Validation (2)
Atom & RSS Feed ValidatorAtom & RSS Feed Validator by
W3C Markup Validation ServiceW3C Markup Validation Service by w3.orgThe official W3C validator.
Keyword Suggestion Tools (1)
Combine WordsCombine Words by Hudson Scriptingis
Search Engine Ranking Tools (4)
Search Engine Placement Check
Search Engine Placement Check by Marketleaphas
Search Engine Position CheckerSearch Engine Position Checker by Webmaster
Search Engine PositioningSearch Engine Positioning by SEO Guyenables you to enter your keyword phrase with your site URL and it shows the top 100 results for those keyword phrases in Yahoo, Google, AllTheWeb, MSN and HotBot.
Enter URL/Keyword - Displays top 100 for 5 Search Engines.
Search Engine Ranking ReportSearch Engine Ranking Report by Top25Web.comprovides you with Google & Yahoo Rankings for multiple keywords. Just paste your key phrases, enter you domain and wait for the results. You can query up to 1000 deep. Very use full tool. Input key phrase list & get Google & Yahoo Rankings.

Compare Search Engine Ranking Tools (8)Dogpile Search Comparison
Dogpile Search Comparison by Dogpile.combased on a study that only 1.1% of the top results for Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves are the same their tools gives you the top results from any 3 of the top 4 search engines.
Shows top results from 3 search engine.

Google vs Yahoo GraphGoogle vs Yahoo Graph by seobench.comShows a graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo with the sites that are in both SERP linked. Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.

Google-Yahoo-Ask Search
Google-Yahoo-Ask Search by jux2displays results from Google Yahoo and Ask Jeeves together. Jux2 can show the unique results from Yahoo! that are not in Google, or combine the results from the top ten that are in both browsers. They have some very interesting stats. Check it out I found it quite interesting. Combines search results from Google, Yahoo! & Ask Jeeves.

Myriad SearchMyriad Search by myriadsearch.comMeta search engine that combines Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves on in one screen or you can select a tab of any one or all of them. You can also modify the individual influence of each search engine in the results.
Meta search engine that combines Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves.

Search Results ComparedSearch Results Compared by yahoogooglemsn.comSearch in all three major SEs at the same time and displays the results on a single page. Very useful when it comes about comparing top SERPs.
Google, Yahoo, MSN results in one search

Thumbshots RankingThumbshots Ranking by Smartdevilis based off the Langreiter tool and gives lets you compare the results for the same word or two different words between 6 different Search Engines - Allintheweb Altavista, Google, MSN, Tecoma, Wisenut and Yahoo. Very nice tools!
Based off the Langreiter tool but lets you compare 6 different Search Engine Results with each other.

Yahoo vs Google
Yahoo vs Google by Christian Langreiterenables you to enter a keyword and displays a page of the linked search results from Yahoo and Google on any webpages that come up in the top 100 search results. Langreiter - Graphic Compare of Google & Yahoo top 100 results.

Yahoo-Google Search
Yahoo-Google Search by Yahoo Watchgives you the top 100 Yahoo results and noting the Googles position on the side. After Yahoo top 100 it then shows the remaining Google results. Very nice!
Shows top 100 Yahoo/Google results together.

Domain Tools (17)

Bad Neighborhood CheckerBad Neighborhood Checker by bad-neighborhood.comChecks link pages and reports if there are links to bad neighborhoods. The tool also has the ability to search on multiple levels (so for example if you maintain a directory it is able to spider the categories and subcategories).
Checks if you're linking to bad neighborhoods

Browser Screen Resolution Checker
Browser Screen Resolution Checker by Mark Horrelllets you check your an URL to see what it looks like in different screen resolutions. Beats changing your screen resolution all the time.
Check what you Website looks like in different

C Class Backlink Analyzer ToolC Class Backlink Analyzer Tool by webuildpages.comShows how many sites with different Class C IPs your first 1000 backlinks come from. Shows unique domain names, unique IP addresses and unique C classes and there ratios.
Shows your links for differnet Class-C site.

Class C Checker
Class C Checker by webrankinfo.comEnter 2 to 10 URLs and check if the URL are sharing the same class C IP range.
Class C IP range checker.

Class C Range CheckerClass C Range Checker by TextLinkBrokers.comenables you to cut & paste a number of domains or browse to a file that has a list of domains and check whether they are on an unique Class C IP. Unique Class C IP Checker - Cut & Paste or load up a file.

DNS ReportDNS Report by dnsreport.comchecks your domain and does email test. Checks over 50 different things and giaves a pass, warning, fail or info.
Checks your domain and does email test.

Domain Age Tool
Domain Age Tool by webconfs.comDisplays the approximate age of a website on the Internet and allows you to view how the website looked when it first started. It also helps you find out the age of your competitor's domains, older domains may get a slight edge in Search Engine Rankings.
Determines the age of the domains entered.

Domain DossierDomain Dossier by CentralOps.netresolves IP to host, host to IP, runs a traceroute, and displays the zone file and does a whois look up.
IP to host, host to ip, traceroute, whois zone file. Hot Tool!

Domain Stats Tool
Domain Stats Tool by webconfs.comProvides domain information like Age, Yahoo WebRank, count of Backlinks and number of pages indexed in Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, and Msn.
Enter domain and getdomain age, number of pages indexed, and number of backlinks.

Free Site MonitorFree Site Monitor by 321sitemonitor.comMonitors server status at every 5 minutes and e-mail in case of problems. Also can display stats when a server was down; may be also useful for checking and competitors uptime.
Server monitor and alert service

HTML Header ViewerHTML Header Viewer by Webmaster Toolkitgives shows you the the HTTP headers that the web server is sending. Shows Cookies being sent, re-directs and mini-type.
Shows HTTP headers the web server is sending.
HTTP / HTTPS Header Check
HTTP / HTTPS Header Check by webconfs.comAllow you to inspect the HTTP headers that the web server returns when requesting a URL. Works with HTTP and HTTPS URLs.
Allow you to inspect the HTTP headers that the web server returns when requesting a URL.

IP Address Report
IP Address Report by ip-report.comgives you report on domains you either add to a field or load up from a file. It tells you which domains are in the same Class C block. If you enter the domains into the field you can save them to a file to use next time.
Bulk class C IP address checker.

Reciprocal Link Checker
Reciprocal Link Checker by etown-webdesign.comFree links partners script. Periodically checks all your partners links to see if they're still linking back.
Checks if the partners still link back

Redirects And HTTP Headers Checker
Redirects And HTTP Headers Checker by gsitecrawler.comChecks for redirects that may be in place on a domain (301, 302, 200, etc).
Checks for redirects on a domain

Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker
Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker by webconfwill check to see if your redirect of a URL is search engine friendly. Will also tell you if you have a redirect.
Enter URL - Check your redirect to see if it is SE friendly

What Is My IP Address
What Is My IP Address by WhatIsMyIPAddress.comshows you the IP of the computer you are on or the firewall you are behind if you have a private IP. Shows the IP of your computer or routers.

Exchange Link SEO Tools (4)

Free Broken Link Checker
Free Broken Link Checker by dead-links.comcheck domain wide for broken outbound links. Very very very nice! Tests all links site wide and reports any broken links.

One Way Link Verify
One Way Link Verify by We Build Pagescreates a list of links to check and allows you to export it. You then browse to the file and click on Go and it will check all your one page links. It gives you a report of them with PR and status if they are up. Very good tool to keep track of you one way links! Track your one-way links - Shows status and PR.

Online Free Reciprocal Link Checker
Online Free Reciprocal Link Checker by recip-links.comchecks the list of reciprocal you cut & paste into there form. It checks the page, not the whole site and reports back the URLs that it found had a link to your domain, the URLs that didn't have a link to your and any URLs that errored out. Enter links - Reports back which ones are up, down or unreachable.

Site Link Analyzer
Site Link Analyzer by SEO Chatdisplays a list of internal and external links and their anchor text for input webpage. Lists internal and external links for input URL.

Google Ranking Tools (6)

Advanced Google Search Methods
Advanced Google Search Methods by AlgoTechenter domain and keyword and select numberous searches includeding allintitle, allinurl, allinanchor, allintext, site, define, sponsored links and results with sandbox penalty suspended. Enter domain/keyword and do different Google searches like site etc.

Google Datacenter Watch Tool
Google Datacenter Watch Tool by McDaris a tool that will let you do a search on Google at all the different datacenters. This shows whether the different datacenters are giving different different Ranking results for the same key phrase. Shows the differnet Ranking results for different datacenters.

Google One Line Results
Google One Line Results by Googleenables you to view Google's search results with each entry on one liner.Google displays each results as one-liners with anchor text the title.

Google Rank Position
Google Rank Position by PRSearch.netallows you to enter a search term and the domain to search for. It returns the position that search term has on Google WITH, the number of entries that search term is indexed for, the PR of your home page, the size of file, the number of inbound links the site has and lets you know if you are in the DMOZ or Google Directory. Shows Google rank position, PR, number of entries indexed, DMOZ and Google Dir status.

Google Rankings
Google Rankings by googlerankings.comsearches for the entered URL and keyword in the first 1000 pages. Enter URL/Keyword - Searches the first 1000 entries.

Retrieve SERPs
Retrieve SERPs by seocritique.comGoogle dataceter SERP checker. Input the keyword and select the range of datacenter IP's and see the SERPs.Google datacenter SERP checker.

Google Sitemap Tools (1)

Online XML Sitemaps Generator
Online XML Sitemaps Generator by xml-sitemaps.comA free online Google XML Sitemaps generator for small sites and a commerical php script for larger sites. A free online Google XML Sitemaps Generator

Internet Bookmarking (2) - Social Bookmarker - Social Bookmarker by del.icio.usSocial bookmarking. One of the newest trends in SEO. Social bookmarking

Your Personal Web File
Your Personal Web File by furl.netSocial bookmarking. One of the newest trends in SEO. Social bookmarking

Keyword Suggestion Tools (12)

Free Keyword Search Tool
Free Keyword Search Tool by Nichebotshows for entered keyword and simular keywords the number of times searched in 60 days according to WordTracker and Google results and Google exact results page numbers.Displays keyword data using Wordtracker and Google search results.

Free Meta Keywords Tool
Free Meta Keywords Tool by Apogee-Web-Consulting.comreads the meta keywords and gives you a hotlink with each keyword to Overture Keyword Selector Tool, Google AdWords Keyword Tool and Nichbot Free Keyword Identification Tool. Reads meta keywords and hotlinks them to 3 keyword mining tools.

Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Google Adwords Keyword Tool by Googleprovides you with 2 lists of words, Specific keywords that are that include your keyword that have been searched on Google and Similar keywords that are relevant terms searched by uses that searched for your keyword also. Keyword tool from Google that provides Specific and Similar keywords.

Google Keyword Suggestions
Google Keyword Suggestions by SEO Chatgive you relevant and popular terms related to the keyword you search for. This tool queries information from Google searches for your keyword and determines popular and re-occurring terms and displays them with a field that shows there relevent per cent. Very good tool. Queries Google for related relevant and popular terms.

Google Suggest
Google Suggest by Googlewill offer completions when you type in your keyword for searches. I have found this very helpful in keyword mining. Google keyword completions when searching.

Keyword Generator
Keyword Generator by Espotting Mediaprovides you with keywords from there PPC data base. Espotting powers over 1.4 billion searches every month across Europe. With offices in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Keyword searches from Espotting Media's (UK) PPC database.

Keyword Popularity Tool
Keyword Popularity Tool by 123 Promotionhas made a number of changes to there Overture Keyword Popularity Tool. It now searches not only Overture's database but WorkTracker also! It looks like the same tool but the results in the search term field is an anchor text that opens up a whole new set of data and word mining possibilities. In the new set of data it tells you how many times Google and Yahoo find this term on the internet, there is a list of related words which is linked to let you conduct a or search or to research on one of the related words. Very nice tool, and very useful for copywriters. Search Overture & WordTrackers database - Mines these terms with dictionary, thesaurus etc.

Keyword Research Tool
Keyword Research Tool by Webmaster Toolkitwill generate a list of keywords and keyword phrases used in other web sites based on the keyword or keyword phrase you enter into their tool. This tool searches other sites with your choice of one of the 9 listed search engines and displays what other web sites that are optimized for the keyword phrase you entered are using for keywords on their site. Very helpful tool! Tool returns similar keywords found in the meta keywords of sites searched by your choice of 9 search engines.

Keyword Suggestion Tool
Keyword Suggestion Tool by Digital Point Solutionsshows the per day keyword results from both Overture and Wordtracker. Wordtracker breaks the results down in plural and singular where Overture combines them together. For example Overture reports "anime wallpage" as 2609 per day where Wordtracker shows "anime wallpaper" with 3160 per day and "anime wallpapers" with 1948 per day. The different totals don't matter, it is the plural/singular percentages that you need to help you decide which keyword to target.Keyword searches from Overture and Wordtracker (Wordtracker displays singular/plural & correct order).

Search Term Research
Search Term Research by PrioritySubmitrequires an username and password but it has lots of features. They claim to have the biggest database, with over 9 billion searches compiled from 37 sources that include major international, pay per click, meta and regional engines. You can search on spell:keyword, related:keyword, like:keyword and crawl:keyword . The tool will search Overture's data from 16 different countries. There is just too much to list here. Go sign up and get take a peek. Searches Overture data for 16 countries and more.

Search Term Suggestion Tool
Search Term Suggestion Tool by Overtureallows you to enter a prospective keyword and it returns the related keyword phrases and the number of times they have been searched in the last month on Overture search engines such as Yahoo, MSN, Altavista and Hotbot. You use this kind of data to help you choose the keyword phrases you want to target. This tool is a "must use" as you don't want to target keywords that no one is searching for! Shows keywords and frequency searched on Overture (Yahoo/MSN) last month.

Website Keyword Suggestions
Website Keyword Suggestions by webconfs.comThis tool tries to determine the theme of your website and provides keyword suggestions along with keyword traffic estimates. Keyword suggestions are provided using Overtures database. Provides keyword suggestions along and keyword traffic estimates for the entered website.
Keyword Tools (7)

GoogleDuel Original
GoogleDuel Original by GoogleDuelenables you to compare two different words to see which is more popularity on the internet. This tool is a fast way to check you keywords to see where plural or singlar is the more common form used on the internet.Compares the popularity of two words - Good for checking Plural/Singlar.

Keyword Density
Keyword Density by SEO Chatwill analyze your entered URL, and return a list of key phrases with their corresponding density values for one, two, or three word key phrases. You can choose whether you want the longs key phrase to be 1, 2 or 3 words long. Enter URL - Generators keyword phrases from your webpage and displays density.

Keyword Density Analyzer
Keyword Density Analyzer by Stargeekgives you keyword density for 1, 2 and 3 word combinations. Enter URL - Displays 1, 2, and 3 word combinations.

Keyword Density Analyzer
Keyword Density Analyzer by Internet MarketingKeyword Density Analyzer by Internet Marketing gives you keyword density in your title, meta description, meta keywords, visible text, alt tags, comment tags, image tags, option tags, reference tags, linked text and URL. Enter URL/Keywork - Displays density each different page component.

Keyword Density Analyzer :Keyword Density Analyzer by seobench.
Keywrd Density Analyzer :Keywrd Density Analyzer by Jim Toolsyour webpage and give you a full report on the optimization of that page.
Ontology Finder :Ontology Finder by goRankgives you synonymous words of your keywords to consider for possible keywords or just to add to your webpage.

Link Popularity Tools (10)
acklink Anchor Text Analyzer :Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer by webconfs.
Link Appeal :Link Appeal by Webmaster Toolkitwill calculate the desirability rating of having a link on the URL you specify.
Link Popularity & Site Analysis Tool :Link Popularity & Site Analysis Tool by LinkVendorshows your inbound links and pages in Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask Jeeves, and Alexa.
Link Popularity Checker :Link Popularity Checker by Marketleapdisplays inbound link reported by Alltheweb, Alta Vista, Google/AOL, HotBot, MSN & Yahoo and provides a total of them.
Link Popularity Checker :Link Popularity Checker by PRSearch.netsearches Google, Yahoo, MSN Search, Altavista, Alltheweb and Hotbot for inbound links to your site.
Link Popularity Checker :Link Popularity Checker by Webmaster Toolkitenables you to enter your URL shows the number of links your site has in Google, Altavista, MSN, AlltheWeb and Yahoo.
Link Popularity Tool :Link Popularity Tool by iconinteractive.comOff-page (popularity) stats
Link Quality Assessment :Link Quality Assessment by elixirsystems.comShows pages indexed, inbound links, deep link percentage, links from Yahoo Directory, DMOZ, EDU, and GOV.Shows IBLs,, DMOZ, EDU, & GOV links.
Report Bot :Report Bot by reportbot.comreports
Uptime Bot :Uptime Bot by uptimebot.comOff-page (popularity) stats. Great for keeping track of your progresses.

Off-page (popularity) stats
Misc Tools (7)

Adsense Ad Display :Adsense Ad Display by google.blogspacelets you enter you URL and shows what AdSense ads would be displayed for that web page.
Check Yahoo WebRank:Check Yahoo WebRank by webconfs.comAllows you to check the Yahoo WebRank of up to 5 URLs at a time.
Domain Directory Checker :Domain Directory Checker by 123 Promotionchecks your domain to see if it appears in
Search Engine Index Checker :Search Engine Index Checker by Marketleapwill display the number of your site pages that are in the database of Alltheweb, AltaVista, Google/AOL and HotBot Search Engines.
Site Wide Cache Check :Site Wide Cache Check by WeBuildToolstakes your inputed URL and checks for cached pages from that site.
URL Rewriting Tool :URL Rewriting Tool by webconfs.comGenerates Apache Mod-Rewrite code to help you convert dynamic URLs to static looking URLs.
URL Trends :URL Trends by urltrends.comFull off-page (popularity) statistics (like number of backlinks, indexed pages, etc).Full page popularity stats

MSN Ranking Tools (2)
MSN Position Search :MSN Position Search by Prsearch.
MSN Rankings :MSN Rankings by Devppl.

Page Rank Tools (3)
Datacenter Quick Check:Datacenter Quick Check by
Future PageRank Tool :Future PageRank Tool by SEO Chatwill query all of Google's various data-centers and display your Pagerank value for each one.
Page Rank Tool :Page Rank Tool by pagerank.

Pay Per Click Tools (2)
CPM and CPC ROI Calculators :CPM and CPC ROI Calculators by YahooCPC Tool
Overture Bid Amounts :Overture Bid Amounts by Pixel Fastlets your search for keywords and shows the overture bid amounts.Overture bid amounts for keywords

Related Page Rank Tools
Backlink Checker :Backlink Checker by
Google PageRank Calculator :Google PageRank Calculator by ThinkBLINGlets you search on keywords and give you the top tem pagerank and backlinks.
Google PageRank Prediction :Google PageRank Prediction by
Google PageRank Report :Google PageRank Report by Top25Web.
Multi DC PageRank Checker :Multi DC PageRank Checker by seobench.
Page Rank Grid Calculator :Page Rank Grid Calculator by WebWorkshopenables
Page Rank Search :Page Rank Search by PRSearch.
Pagerank Calculator :Pagerank Calculator by Mark Horrellis
PageRank Lookup :PageRank Lookup by Webmaster Brianlets
PageRank Search Prog :PageRank Search Prog by SEO

Robots.txt Tools (2)
Robots.txt Generator :Robots.txt Generator by 123 Promotiongenerates a simple robots file for your website allowing you to hide files or directories. Creates simple robots.txt file.
Robots.txt Syntax Checker :Robots.txt Syntax Checker by

Search Engine Position Tools (5)
Cool SEO Tool :Cool SEO Tool by webuildpages.
McDar Keyword Analysis Tool :McDar Keyword Analysis Tool by
Page Report :Page Report by We Build Pagesreports pages indexed
Pages Indexed Backlinks Domain Pagerank Allinanchor Keyword Density Tool :Pages Indexed Backlinks Domain Pagerank Allinanchor Keyword Density Tool by We Build pages
PulseRank :PulseRank by PulseRanktracks the 5 month Ranking history for 1000 selected Keywords in Google.

Text Link Ad Value Tools (3)

Keyword Difficulty Tool : Keyword Difficulty Tool by seomoz.orgis
Link Price Calculator : Link Price Calculator by
Link Value : Link Value by LinkVendorcalculates the value of a link for a one month rental.

Toolbars (7)
Google Toolbar For Firefox :Google Toolbar For Firefox by Googleis
Google Toolbar For IE :Google Toolbar For IE by
Mozdev GoogleBar :Mozdev GoogleBar by mozdev.orghas
PR Toolbar Widget For Macintosh :PR Toolbar Widget For Macintosh by Digital Point Solutionsis Search MSN Toolbar :Search MSN Toolbar by MSN
Yahoo Toolbar For Firefox :Yahoo Toolbar For Firefox by
Yahoo Toolbar For IE :Yahoo Toolbar For IE

Track Ranking Tools (1)
Check Rankings :Check Rankings by

Web Site Optimization Tools (13)
Advanced Meta Tag Generator :Advanced Meta Tag Generator by by
Code to Text Calculator :Code to Text Calculator by Stargeekhelps you avoid diluting your keyword relevancy by letting you know the ratio of your text to code.
Copyscape :Copyscape by
Google Banned Tool :Google Banned Tool by 123 promotion
Meta Tag Generator :Meta Tag Generator by 123 promotion
Meta Tag Generator :Meta Tag Generator by SearchBlisscreates
Poodle Predictor :Poodle Predictor by GRI
Search Engine Spider Simulator :Search Engine Spider Simulator by
Search Engine Spiders :Search Engine Spiders by
Similar Page Checker :Similar Page Checker by

Enter URLs - Compares pages for similar content.

Watchfire WebXACT :Watchfire WebXACT by Watchanalyses your web page for w3c validation,
Web Page Analyzer :Web Page Analyzer by Toolkit

Yahoo Ranking Tools (2)
Yahoo Rank Position
Yahoo Rank Position by
Yahoo Search Rankings :Yahoo Search Rankings by yahoosearchrankings.


Anonymous said…
Great article - may I suggest a tool that's great for providing a snapshop of many of the things you recommend? DNFrame is a new tool I started using last week. And thanks for the heads up on the other tools, I've added some to the Domain Information reference at VToolbox.

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